Monday, May 17, 2010

Time With Grandchildren!

Kim and Erik went to Salt Lake for the night and we got to have
their children stay over.........we love it!
Krew didn't want what I made for dinner so he talked
Uncle Paul into making him a P&J Sandwich....
what a push-over, huh?
Looks like Stryker got in on the P&J Action!

McKyna baked cookies and McCall made breadsticks.....
they are both awesome helpers.

Stryker ate Ice Cream.......and where's MaClane? With
Paul or Brian most of the time he is here, of course.

Not long ago Krew and Stryker came over for the morning..........
They were great little helpers in the yard.
Krew gathered quite a few small sticks left on the hill
from dad trimming the trees and Stryker spent most of
his time figuring out how to stay away from "Beto". That
was pretty funny since Beto could hardly move.

Las Vegas - Dad and I get to see the Ballstaedts

Dad had a meeting in Mesquite, so I went along for the ride
and then we went on to Las Vegas to visit Cairen, Seth and
their girls for a couple days. It was a short visit, but we
had a fun time. Dad, of course, wanted to go look at boats
at Pro Bass . This might have been annoying if it wasn't such a
nice place to hang out as you can see!
Meika and Sienna were very helpful with the boat studies!

Two little Cuties!

Girl's Trip - Las Vegas 2010

2nd Girl's Trip for the Bambl Girls was in Las Vegas again this year!
We had a wonderful time, but felt so bad that Molly couldn't
come this year!

We stayed at the Marriott JW nice.
The time always goes by too fast. Here is Christy
packing her stuff out to the car to go home.

Kim & Cairen

Meggan and the one "boy" that was allowed to come
on our trip! That was a big improvement from the bus
load of children that came last year.

What a a cute group!

Mother's Day Cupcakes!

As You can see the cupcakes that Ricky and Molly sent
for Mother's Day were a big hit!

Stryker, Ty and the rest of the family gave them a thumb's Up!

Good-Bye Beto

We were sad to say good-bye to Beto. We have had him for about
thirteen years. Which made him over 90 in dog years. It was
getting so dificult for him to get around the yard!
A Big Thank You to Brian for taking him in for us...there
is no way dad or I could have done it.