Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Family Reunion in Las Vegas

This was the first time we've had a
reunion for Helmut's family and
27 came to Las Vegas! It was
a great success and we hope to do it
again in November 2011. Our
activities included feeding the
fish at Lake Mead.....
(The ducks even showed up for this
special occassion.)

Here we are heading in mass to the
fish feeding frenzie...it is kind of
While in Las Vegas we saw
The Hoover Dam,
Ate Ice Cream,
Made Caramel Apples,
And enjoyed a German Dinner at
the Hoffbrau in Las Vegas....

More Fun!

We also played the Candy Bar Game,
and enjoyed a yummy "Fiesta"!
Mostly, we just enjoyed being
together as a family...
and seeing grandma & grandpa Ollech.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day at the Platt Farm in Rocksville.

This is the last picture of the summer as we get
ready to leave Rockville and the Platt Farm. We
had a great time and appreciate Joe and Sue
sharing their wonderful, peaceful country
retreat. The only thing that could have made
this time better for me would have been to
have ALL of the family there with us!
This is where we hung out at for Labor
Day weekend. It is owned by Meggan's
parents.........we called it camping, but
it was so much more comfy than sleeping
on the ground in a tent and cooking over
a fire pit!
On Saturday we went to Zion's Park....we
even went on a hike! What were we thinking?
Dad and I roughed it in a trailer we rented
from a rental place in St. George.
Paul slept in it also. We had room for more,
but they would have to be people 4 feet or

Parting is such sweet sorrow. This is Sienna
and Krew saying good-bye on Monday. So cute.

Labor Day -----------bye, bye summer.

The hike begins------
This is the gang preparing for the after the hike
activity........eating ice cream.
Sunday dinner........yummy.
The three princesses!
Some how dad managed to talk me into more
fishing.........not as productive this time, but
it was a beautiful, peaceful setting.

Our last fling of summer 2009.....

The gang worked hard and fast to put up 2
tents.........kind of funny that no one slept in
either one of them.
Our first night with everyone there the rain,
thunder and lightning scared them all into
the trailer.......we did plan on "camping"!
We had such a great time just spending time
Thanks to "grandpa Joe" the kids all enjoyed
a bit of adventure on a homemade swing.
This is a cute picture of Meggan and her
sister Kallie on the more comfortable swing.

Who turned 60?

Wow! Are we getting old! To celebrate dad's
60th we went fishing.......it was scarry for
me riding in a 14 foot boat. But dad was
so excited about catching 3 good sized
trout. They were sure delicious.
I brought a book to read and some handwork
to do.......and I did okay until the wind
started to blow and the sky got dark
with clouds. I was very happy to get back
on dry ground.
Doesn't this birthday boy look happy?!
That smile made the day perfect for both of us.
Great to be at a point in life when his happiness
makes my day.

Those lazy days of summer........

As another summer comes to a close I feel some saddness....I thought that those days were a thing of the past, now that our children are all
grown. But now I see that as each summer passes it means our grand-chilren are growing up even faster! This is a cute picture of papa playing
crochet with the kids the first evening of nana and papa camp. We had so
much fun.
No doubt about it they are the best part of our summers. We have a
bizillion pictures of all of them from this summer and here are a few
our favorites. This first picture is of Stryker hanging out with papa after
dinner on a Sunday afternoon.
This picture of McKyna, Krew and Ty helping to harvest the cheeries
cracks me up........so funny, I would send them all out back and
they would come back in an hour later with one small bowl of
Our three oldest grand-daughters looking so beautiful just
before their musical performance. Just looking at this
picture makes me melancholy. They look so grown up!
This is another picture from Nana/Papa camp............the kids
are working on a quiz about the family and they are all trying to
squeeze the answers out of papa.

Ah, more sweet memories of summer........

Reagan napping on the couch.........so peacful.
Sienna snuggling by the pool with Nana.
Nick and MaClane getting ready to hit the velcro wall at
"Jump On It". I sure laughed hard watching them stick
to the velcro wall.
Ty sleeping on his dad's shoulder after a busy day at the "Platt Farm"
with his cousins.
Meika helping water the day lilies in Nana and Papa's backyard. As you
can see this was before the infamous "haircut"!

Tony and Christy's New Truck!

Tony is on a new adventure with trucking...........he is now an independent
truck driver with his own truck. We wish him much success and safety.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Missouri Trip

Helmut and I took a one week trip to Missouri with Rick & Molly and their family and Kim and
Erik and their family. It was a fast paced vacation! We got to see so much history.........it
was like stepping into the past. I got a new and enriched feeling for
the lives of my ancestors. It was so interesting.
The first picture is of Ricky & Molly and their children by the Mississippi River.
Erik & Kim and their gang in the same spot. This at the west side of Nauvoo and
on the "trail of tears", where the pioneers crossed the river to escape persecution.

Helmut and I on the edge of the Mississippi. It sure is a big, dirty river!


While we were in Fresno, California we had a really nice evening with Helmut's
brother's and their wives. So, here is Helmut with Werner & Ben.

The California Coast in July

Helmut and I just got back from California. He had a meeting in San Francisco and
I decided to tag along. It was a nice break from the heat in Utah. After his
meeting we spent a few days on the coast with his parents. The first picture
is of them walking back from an hour of sitting on a bench at the end of the pier in
Pismo. They really enjoyed just soaking in the ocean air and watching all of
the activity there.

This is the beach in Pismo..........a favorite family spot when our children were young.

We were surprised how cool it was there.........definitely called for a jacket.
How quickly we forget!

The bench...........

Rick, Reagan and Nick brought grandma & grandpa to the coast....
We met them in Monterey. Here we are getting ready to order a yummy bowl of
clam chowder.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Our Wisconsin Trip - May 2009

We just returned from a wonderful vacation with
grandma and grandpa Przybyla. It was so nice to
spend a week with them.........just hope we didn't
wear them out and wish we could do it again......we
will forever cherish our memories of this great trip.
They were real troopers all the way!
There is no way I can post all of the fun pictures or tell
you everything we did........but here is a small portion of
our Wisconsin Trip!
Dody, Darlene and Maxine
We all agree on one thing about this fun outing.........and
that is that the best part was spending time with our
newly found "Wisconsin Sisters"! They are for sure
3 of the nicest people we have ever met and to think
they are family!
We thank them from the bottom of our hearts for
our wonderful, relaxing, peaceful, fun days on the
lake in New Auburn.